Do you have some evenings available this Spring? Molalla River Schools is looking for volunteers to serve on the 2025-26 Budget Committee. -must reside in the District -must be a registered voter Contact Lauree Nelzen at 503-759-7463 for details.
11 days ago, Molalla River School District
images of student and text 2025 Budget Committee Openings
Closed: Friday, February 14, 2025. Schools and Offices closed due to weather forecasts. Decisions about the evening/weekend athletics and activities will be updated tomorrow.
about 1 month ago, Molalla River School District
Open House: Middle School Design Thursday, November 7 5:30 pm Molalla River Middle School Food provided Community welcome Learn more at:
5 months ago, Molalla River School District
The special board meeting can be viewed at: The Board will recess in executive session and return when property discussion is completed.
5 months ago, Andrea Watson
Tonight's School Board meeting may be viewed live at the following link: A recording will be placed on the YouTube Channel within 48 hours. The agenda is available at:
6 months ago, Andrea Watson
Recognizing Jennifer Benz, Patty Jo Benz, Lance Entze, and Tony Tiano for the pride in ownership and maintaining the aged Molalla River Middle School. The middle school will be replaced in 2027, thanks to voters who approved the general obligation bonds in May 2024.
7 months ago, Molalla River School District
Jennifer and Patty Jo Benz and Lance Entze
Patty Jo, Jennifer Benz and Tony Tiano and Lance Entze
Bond Celebration Time! August 7 5:30-7:30pm Fox Park
8 months ago, Andrea Watson
Invitation to BBQ/Aug 7 5:30
With the new website and strategic plan, the logo is getting a refresh. Help us by choosing your favorite and leaving comments if you want to tell us what you like or don't like about the final four designs.
9 months ago, Andrea Watson
Icon for Communication
RFP for Architectural Services on the Middle School Replacement Project is available now. Mandatory virtual pre-proposal meeting on July 09, 2024 at 09:00am. Contact Ron Stewart at
9 months ago, Andrea Watson
rendering of school interior
The Molalla Pioneer published an article about the middle school replacement project, which voters approved and the county clerk certified on June 14, 2024.
9 months ago, Andrea Watson
rendering of interior school classroom
Dear MRSD, Staying with our commitment to communicate with MRSD staff and families early and often, we believe us official passage of the bond to replace MRMS is imminent . Our lead has increased each day this week, and with 99.99% of the votes counted, I believe a new middle school for Molalla kids will soon be a reality. I am excited for our community and grateful for the work of the many, many, many citizens who made this a reality! We will wait for final confirmation from the county next week before sending a complete celebratory message filled with gratitude. At that same time, I will share information about the District’s next steps as we move forward to fulfill the wishes of the electorate. I just couldn’t wait to offer up this really special news as we go into this weekend. Molalla Proud! Tony Mann Superintendent
10 months ago, Molalla River School District
Elections Results 5/24/24
More about Measure 3-606, the Molalla River Middle School Replacement Bond Principal Randy Dalton shares the impact for student from the fluctuating temperatures, caused by: -aged, steam heating system -lack of air conditioning -glass block on the perimeter of many classrooms. Measure 3-606 will be decided by voters on May 21. If approved Molalla River Middle School would be replaced. Safety, Electrical, Plumbing and Heating and Air Condition systems are all dated and failures have caused school closures in the past few years. Learn more about the proposed replacement at: The estimated cost is $1.55 per $1,000 of assessed tax value for 30 years. If the measure is not approved the replacement of Molalla River Middle School will not happen and taxes will not be increased.
11 months ago, Andrea Watson
Aerial view of Molalla River Middle School
Got a minute? Principal Randy Dalton shares the impact of the electrical system on educational programs at Molalla River Middle School. Learn more about the Molalla River Middle School Replacement Bond Measure 3-606, which voters will decide on May 21, 2024.
11 months ago, Andrea Watson
Aerial view of Molalla River Middle School
Tony Tiano, Maintenance Supervisor discusses the maintenance at Molalla River Middle School. Learn about the bond at:
11 months ago, Andrea Watson
Aerial view of Molalla River Middle School
Principal Dalton talks about the current safety conditions at Molalla River Middle School. Voters will decide the question of replacing the school on May 21. Learn more about Measure 3-606: Tours on May 1 at 5pm at Molalla River Middle on Leroy Avenue.
11 months ago, Andrea Watson
Molalla River Middle School Replacement Bond is on the May Ballot. Measure 3-606 if approved would replace the middle school on the same property. -Oversight is required -The replacement school would be 115,000 square feet and serve 700 students -Three classroom pods, one for each grade (6,7,8) -Classrooms for Life Skills and Behavior Support programs. -Safety features like access controls, cameras and perimeter fencing. -Modern heating, air conditioning, plumbing, ADA accessibility, and electrical systems. -Music and choir rooms with shared practice and ensemble space -Black box style theater with seating for 200 -Support for multiple career, technical education pathways (home economics/consumer science; handmade marketplace/woods/construction; tv studio; robotics lab -A main gym with two courts and seating for 700 (all school assemblies) -An auxiliary gym with one court and seating for spectators -Demo, mitigation of hazardous materials -Installation of replacement fields (baseball and soccer) that will be displaced by the new school -Modern drop off/pick up zones that separate buses from passenger vehicles. info at:
11 months ago, Andrea Watson
Molalla River Middle School Facts
What is a bond? School districts in Oregon use bonds to finance capital expenses and large maintenance projects. Bonds are sold to investors, and they function a little like a home mortgage, in that the District gets the money up front and pays back the bond holders with principal and interest over a set period of time. District's can not sell bonds without voter approval, because the investors are re-paid from property tax assessments. The State of Oregon does not provide funding to school districts for school construction, building improvements and preservation of facilities.
11 months ago, Andrea Watson
Photo Boiler Molalla River Middle
Dr. Tony Mann explains the upcoming bond measure, which if approved by voters, will replace the existing Molalla River Middle School on the same property.
11 months ago, Andrea Watson
Dr. Mann explains Measure 3-606
What is the Process? The charge of the Advisory Committee is to consider various options for a new bond proposal. The committee will meet 7-8 times from January-December 2023 and will: Review the facilities needs identified in the District’s Facilities Assessment; Consider options for financing a potential bond, including amount of bond and length of payback period; Develop a timeline and long-term plan for addressing capital improvement projects relating to facilities needs; Consider community feedback in creating the recommendation; and Recommend to the School Board a potential bond package that could be submitted to voters.
about 1 year ago, Molalla River High
Long term facilities planning and bond Advisory
Community Bond Advisory Committee Members: Mac Corthell Dwight Mason Michelle Rickles Lauren Lucht Leota Childress Sally Dillon John Meyer Corinne Johnsen Tom Eskridge Julie Bystrom Sarah McArthur Crystal Robles Ron Higginbotham James Lanahan Kurt Brandemihl
about 1 year ago, Molalla River High
Bond Committee Members