Proposed Bond Measure 3-606 is on the May 2024 Ballot.
If passed, 100% of the bond funds would be used locally for Molalla River Middle School
If the proposed Bond Measure passes it would:
Replace the 70 year-old Molalla River Middle School building with a safe, secure facility
Fund air quality, health and safety projects at Molalla River Midde School
Expand student opportunities with flexible learning spaces, additional Career and Technical Education classrooms, and technology upgrades.
Why now?
Health and Safety
The current Molalla River Middle School has outdated fire safety, electrical, and security systems. In addition, the schools' tile flooring contains asbestos, making it difficult to access the plumbing underneath the floors, which services the steam-powered HVAC system. Only one portion of the building is air conditioned, resulting in poor air quality conditions throughout the school during warm days and wildfire season.
Inefficient Building Systems
The 70 year-old Molalla River Middle School building has aging building systems. On several occasions in the past several years, the school has been forced to close due to failing heating and plumbing systems leaking water into classrooms and hallways. In 2019, students attended school for a week with coats due to no functioning heat. When the water is out of service, the school loses heat, restrooms and capacity to use water in the kitchen.
Education Spaces
Molalla River Middle School lacks adequate classroom space for in-demand vocational education courses. In addition, the current school infrastructure does not meet today's technology demands. The school's three gymnasiums are not large enough to meet student capacity and lack space for parents and community members to attend games or events.
School Closures
Three years ago, Molalla River Middle School students had to attend schools with no heat or water in the building. In December 2023, there was no school for two days due to a critical failure with the steam heating system that caused hot water to leak from the ceilings.
What if the Measure does not pass?
The projects would not be completed as proposed and property taxes would not be increased to pay for the replacement middle school.
If passed, what would the proposed bond measure fund?
The proposed bond would raise $77.46 million to fund the construction of a new Molalla River Middle School.
🔒 A Safe, Secure School
Secure Entryway and perimeter
Security cameras and intercoms
Fire sprinkler and alarm systems
Improved accessibility for all to comply with ADA requirements
Efficient Building Systems
High-Efficiency heat, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) with filtration to address the growing problem of fire smoke
Modern electrical and plumbing systems
Expand Opportunity for Every Molalla Student
Expanded Career and Technical/Vocational classrooms
Technology improvements
Additional flexible learning spaces
Upgraded main gym and auxiliary gym to include three (3) courts
If passed what would the proposed Bond cost taxpayers?
The district estimates the $77.46 million bond, if passed, will cost the property owners in the Molalla River District an additional $1.55/$1000 assessed value.
Where can I learn more?
Informational meetings will be held throughout the Spring. See events for dates, times, locations. Contact Andrea Watson to schedule a tour event for your school, neighborhood or group.